The events are now over and they have been absolutely filled with athletic endeavor. So lets grab that bling and get on with the medal ceremony. It’s time to work that podium.
Your training and dedication has completely paid off.
Oh my goodness you’ve won a medal. Nibble it, check it’s real gold, it is! Don’t forget to thank your teammates and your biggest fans, you’ve earned it.
Please send your videos (in landscape mode!) via to The videos will be edited together and released after footage of the event has been independently adjudicated for any foul play. Glory and honor will be bestowed on all individuals and Quaranteams showing strength, stamina and imagination throughout the games.
I might not be able to run 26.2 miles in 2 hours and 14 minutes like Brigid Kosgei, but I can sit in front of Netflix and watch 2 hours worth of documentaries. That’s my kind of marathon. We’ve all got to play to our strengths and whatever yours is, make sure you complete it to the best of your ability. Now, wheres that popcorn…
Please send your videos (in landscape mode!) via to
The videos will be edited together and released after footage of the event has been independently adjudicated for any foul play.
Glory and honour will be bestowed on all individuals and Quaranteams showing strength, stamina and imagination throughout the games.
Get ready for the Hampshire Scouts #HSXLockdownOlympics.
There will be a video briefing uploaded by 9am each event day on the HSX website and Facebook Page. You then have until 5pm on the last day of the event to unleash your creativity and athletic endeavour, filming your performance as an individual athlete, or as a household Quaranteam.