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teamHSX – JOGLE – The End

teamHSX – JOGLE – The End

Apologies for not posting a video on Saturday night or Sunday, but we got caught up in celebrating our result…

As you hopefully all know, seven of us completed the 850ish mile journey from John O’groats to Land’s End.. It was tough,very tough and we were all really pleased to see the signpost and finish..

A huge thanks to everyone who came out and supported us on the journey South. Those who cycled with us, those who turned up in the evenings to say hi, providers of cake and just everyone who helped or had to put up with us during our training…

Just one last huge thanks to Russ, Dave Gregory, Dave Laws & Emily Braithwaite for being an awesome service team… Thank you loads..

We’ve also had loads of sponsorship (thank you so much), however if you’d still like to sponsor us, you can here….


End of Day 6 Blog..

The penultimate day.

Don’t forget, you can sponsor us here..

End of Day 5 Blog

At the team fly down the country, their daily update videos get stranger and stranger.  Manchester To Ledbury today.